Getting Started

Create a servlet for handling incoming HTTP connections and call EngineIoServer class’s handleRequest method on receiving an HTTP request. Create a new instance of SocketIoServer using the EngineIoServer instance.

Example servlet

Example servlet class:

public class SocketIoServlet extends HttpServlet {

    private final EngineIoServer mEngineIoServer = new EngineIoServer();
    private final SocketIoServer mSocketIoServer = new SocketIoServer(mEngineIoServer);

    protected void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
        mEngineIoServer.handleRequest(request, response);

In the example servlet above, a static instance of EngineIoServer is defined and the method service is overridden to call handleRequest.

Accept WebSocket Connection

Please refer to Engine.IO documentation for accepting WebSocket connection.

Create namesapce

Call the namespace method on SocketIoServer to create or retrieve a namespace.


SocketIoNamespace namespace = server.namespace("/");
// Do something with namespace

Listening for connections

Attach a listener to the connection event of SocketIoNamespace to listen for new connections.


namespace.on("connection", new Emitter.Listener() {
    public void call(Object... args) {
        SocketIoSocket socket = (SocketIoSocket) args[0];
        // Do something with socket

Listening for message from client

Attach an event listener on SocketIoSocket to listen for events from client.


// Attaching to 'foo' event
socket.on("foo", new Emitter.Listener() {
    public void call(Object... args) {
        // Arugments from client available in 'args'

Sending message to client

Call the send method on SocketIoSocket to send event to remote client.


// Sending event 'foo' with args 'bar arg', 1
socket.send("foo", "bar arg", 1);

Broadcasting message to room

Call the broadcast method on SocketIoNamespace to broadcast event to all remote clients.


// Broadcasting event 'foo' with args 'bar arg' to room 'room'
namespace.broadcast("room", "foo", "bar arg");